Monday, November 25, 2013

Kanata's Christmas Cottage

No one came to the Christmas Cottage at Kanata Hall yesterday and said they saw this e-mail  and that is why they came so no one got a free copy of The Wild Ones.  Well one lady did as she won the door prize which was a free signed copy of  The Wild Ones.
It was cold in the hall as we had the door open but it was a good day and everyone who came had a good time.  Hope the Americans who read this have a happy Thanksgiving this week.  I have had 4 good book signing and one more to come next week Dec 4 at the square dancing at Burnaby Lake Rowing Club.  If you are interested in square dancing, new dancers start the first Wednesday in January 2014.  Wow it is already about 2014, we just came into the new millennium a few years ago or was that 14 years ago.  As some one told me a few times the older you get the faster time goes like water going down a drain, the closer it gets to the drain it goes faster.  So true.    

Sunday, November 17, 2013

A surprising thing happened to me yesterday.  Two weeks ago I wore a pair of horse shoe earrings my grandsons sent me in a box of 7 sets.  When I went to take the earrings off at night there was only one.  I felt bad as I had lost one, I was going to wear them when I had a book signing. Well yesterday a day before my second book signing and after doing dishes for two weeks I saw a wire in the drain and pulled it out. It was my horse shoe ear ring, the day before my second book singing.  An omen or what?  
Thank you boys I love you and I will wear these when I have a book signing.  I am so glad I have you.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

 I had a bad dream last night about my book signing Sunday 17 at Unity In Action at 17 and Edinburgh in New West.  I dreamed I was at church but had forgotten my books for the signing. What to do now so I decide I had to go home to get them then come back.    As I was leaving I saw two guys sitting in a lounge area which Unity In Action doesn't have.  Anyway I know I will have my books with me and am going to have a wonderful time and hope the people who buy the book will enjoy it.  
I am also having a signing at Kanata Co-op Christmas Bazaar Nov 24 at 7155 Blake Street in Vancouver for those who don't want to come to church Sunday.  There will also be other people at the Bazaar selling their product, from Mary Kay, Avon,  a lady selling candles, other books  plus many more.  There will be door prizes as will and those who tell me they saw my blog will get an extra door prize ticket.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Well The Wild Ones are on Kindle,  I'm sure if you want to purchase one for your e-reader, you know how to go about it.  The link for both paper book or e-book is the same.
 Just the will work just as well as all this.  I hope those of you who have read it will send a comment either to the blog or via e-mail or facebook.  Any will get me and the others who may want to read it.  For those who I have promised to mail copies they will come after the book signing not singing hehe.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Yee Haw, my baby seemed to be a success today at Unity In Action.  Out of 23 books I took I brought home only 6.  I hope the people that bought my book enjoys it as much as I enjoyed giving birth to my Wild Ones.  I admit it will take a lot less time to read it than it took me to write it.  I will be adding the link here asap.
When I figure out how to put it in the link page I will but it is here anyway.